Solving the
LLM Customization Problem

Ready to Launch?
Prototype to Production in Days
From the creators of

Stages of LLM Customization


Launch Readiness Evaluation

Enterprise-specific dimensions


Synthetic Data Generation

Instructions and Preferences


Alignment Fine-tuning

Open Source and Enterprise models

Make your LLMs reliable by creating launch criteria judge


Prioritize safety and brand alignment


Maintain Factual Accuracy and Consistency

Brand Alignment

Leverage your Tone and Style

Unparalleled Business Metrics

Accelerate your ROI 8x (from 6 months to 3 weeks) using an end-to-end alignment solution

Time to Market

~18X more cost-efficient compared to buying human-curated data

Cost to Market

Optimize your Launch Readiness

with Collinear AI's superior fine tuning with minimal annotations versus competitors
Create launch criteria evals for your Task

No more generic LLMs that are not correlated with your data. Train a LLM-as-a-judge on your custom launch criteria using handful of annotations and use it to judge hundreds of responses at scale. It can also be used to judge preferences for feedback fine tuning.